Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Illustrator Logo

We started using Illustrator to recreate a logo that we drew by hand. The logo that I decided to use was a combination of a pill and a piece of candy. The pill is in the center as the piece of candy would be in the wrapper, then on the ends there are the pieces of wrapper. I decided to alternate black and white on the separate pieces so that the different sections were all more visible. The ends of the wrapper had lines like they would if it were real but they weren't very necessary so I removed them. Also since the ends of a wrapper are generally bigger than the candy i decided to make them much larger then the pill. But when they were significantly larger then the pill the whole image didn't read correctly. So I made them larger then the pill but not as large as they had been. When I was using Illustrator I found it fairly easy to recreate the hand drawn logo. Having the scan of the original and using it to redraw the logo made it easier to keep it more natural but also to improve those parts that could be better. While at times I did find it difficult to make some of the tools in Illustrator work how I needed them to I eventually completed the logo of the pill and candy.

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